I hope everyone is enjoying this most WONDERFUL day in Spring!!!! Although the sun has only peeked out a couple of times, the day is still very fine out!!! I am loving this.
I had the ladies out today getting their pictures taken for their up and coming Spring debut in the Queen Anne Inspired style. Claudette dressed in her new dress from Paris will be visiting over at Simply Primitives, and Margaret ( The Eternal Widow) will be visiting at Early work Mercantile. Now both ladies are scheduled to visit on the first of April, but both ladies are fearing they could be made into fools, So I would be watching for them the night before on March 31st. The ladies hope you will pop in and visit for while. They both dearly love to chat and drink their tea.
I have had to wear ear plug around these two chatty pair. Just when you think they are done they start in on something new.
God Bless!!!!